Arko Bhet Sama

Upcoming Release

Arko Bhet Sama

Release date - March 28, 2025

Same as Them

Same as Them

We are Same As Them, a Bangalore based alternate rock band.
Formed in the year 2015 by siblings Namgyal “Nash” Lama the Vocalist/Rhythm Guitar and Rigyal Lama on Lead Guitarist/Backing Vocals. Reuben Aditya on Drums and Anirudh MV on Bass.
Same as Them takes pride in singing and performing in Nepali. Through the music, we keep the harmonic connection between each and every human being alive. Our fundamentals remain the same - We draw inspiration from the beauty, celebration, turmoil, people, life, love and hardships that everyday life has to offer.

Everybody got to escalate from the norm
Everybody got to elevate from the norm
Everybody got to deviate from the norm